
NCCK’s letter to UCC, saying about Anthrax bacteria

▲Rev. Kim Young-Ju(General Secretary, The National Council of Churches in Korea) ⓒVERITAS DB
On June 23 National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) sent a letter to United Church of Christ in the US (UCC) about anthrax bacteria fedexed to US military bases in Korea. Since the 1980s, UCC has been known to show solidarity for peace, reconciliation and unification of the Korean peninsula.

The bacteria was delivered to US military bases in Korea via Fedex from the main land US. It was claimed to be mistakenly delivered. However, “we are suspicious of the intention of the US, furthermore some Koreans say that this may be a prelude to a biological warfare in the Korean peninsula,” says Rev. Young-ju Kim, general secretary of NCCK. 
He requested Rev. Geroffrey Black, president of UCC, to “discuss this case during the General Synod meeting and urge your government not to repeat such a serious mistake.”  
The letter will be delivered in person by Rev. Hunjung Cho, who will attend the 30th General Assembly of UCC in Cleveland as a delegation of the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea. He is the former director of the Reconciliation and Unification Committee of NCCK.  
Below is the letter from NCCK to UCC. 
June 23, 2015
Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Black 
General Minister and President
United Church of Christ
Dear Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Black, 
We congratulate heartily the UCC on holding your 30th General Assembly with the theme “Unexpected Places” and truly hope that all your schedule will be going well in the grace of God.  
We deeply appreciate UCC’s continuing solidarity for peace, reconciliation and unification of the Korean peninsula. We also hope that the solidarity and cooperation between the UCC and the Korean churches will be further strengthened in the years to come.
Lately there was an accident. The deadly anthrax bacterium was delivered from the US to US military bases in Korea. The US government claimed that “it was delivered to Korea mistakenly.” But we are suspicious of the intention of the US, furthermore some Koreans say that this may be a prelude to a biological warfare in the Korean peninsula.  
Hence I would like to ask you to discuss this case during the General Synod meeting and urge your government not to repeat such a serious mistake. Reconciliation and Peace  Committee of the NCCK has also sent a letter of protest to the Korean government requesting a thorough investigation of this case.  
May the grace of the Lord be with you and your church.  
Sincerely yours,
Rev. Kim Young-Ju
General Secretary
The National Council of Churches in Korea
CC: Xiaoling Zhu
Area Executive for East Asia and the Pacific
Common Board of Global Ministries  

좋아할 만한 기사
최신 기사
지성과 영성의 만남

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